Israel-based Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories: Operating in a Hostile Business Environment

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About Ahava

The salts and mud of the Dead Sea are known to have therapeutic properties, and it was common for tourists visiting the sea to take the mud back with them. ...

The mud from the Dead Sea was a mixture of salts, sulfide compounds, and 21 different minerals. It also contained magnesium, bitumen, and silicates, used to cleanse and soften skin. The mud and salt cured skin problems like eczema and psoriasis and improved blood circulation. The mud was also used to treat joint aches and fluid retention....

Business Environment Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Environment, Case Studies
Business Environment Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Environment, Case Studies
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A spa technician from Israel, Ziva Gilad (Gilad), noticed how the tourists were scooping up mud from the Dead Sea, bottling it, and taking it with them. Gilad and a few of her friends from a kibbutzim nearby set up a small stand, packed the mud and salt from the Dead Sea into plastic bottles, and sold them to tourists. They set up a company and created face and body rejuvenating products using the water and mud from the Dead Sea. They then sold the products under the brand name ‘Ahava' (love in Hebrew). They expanded the business and started selling these at various outlets across Israel. Initially, Ahava targeted tourists who visited the Dead Sea. Slowly, the brand expanded and was sold through pharmaceutical chains, local stores, and duty free shops across Israel. ....

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